Data and code
Data and code for Data-driven predictions of summertime visits to lakes across 17 US states.
Data and code for Where do the poor live in cities? Revisiting the role of public transportation on income sorting in US urban areas can be found in;; Once downloaded and unzipped, move all files from the three folders into one, new folder called “DataandCode.”
Data and code for Estimating the Impact of Ride-Hailing App Company Entry on Public Transportation Use in Major US Urban Areas” can be found in this Zip file.
Data and code for Ecosystem-based adaptation (Chapter 23 in T.E Lovejoy and L. Hannah, eds., 2019. Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the Biosphere. Yale University Press.)
Data and Methodology for “Box 4.4. Adapting to Climate Change By Maximizing a Supporting Service: Soil Quality” from Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services. Technical Input to the National Climate Assessment. Methodology (PDF). Instructions for using data (PDF). Zipped folder containing data (ZIP)
Appendix to Nelson, E., P. Kareiva, M. Ruckelshaus, K. Arkema, G. Geller, E. Girvetz, D. Goodrich, V. Matzek, M. Pinsky, W. Reid, M. Saunders, D. Semmens, and H. Tallis. 2013. Climate change’s impact on key ecosystem services and the human well-being they support in the U.S. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11: 483–893. DOI: 10.1890/120312. Reclaiming soils to sustain maze and soybean productivity in the Midwestern US given climate change (PDF).
Appendix to “Evaluating the Role of the Amazon Protected Areas Program and Anti-Deforestation Policies for Supplying Hydropower, Avoiding Carbon Emissions, and Economic Returns in the Brazilian Amazon,” pp. 63-78 in A.A. Aguirre and R. Sukumar, eds. 2016. Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities. Oxford University Press, New York. PDF.
Technical appendix for Marlier, Miriam E., Ruth DeFries, Derric Pennington, Erik Nelson, Elsa Ordway, Jeremy Lewis, Shannon Koplitz, and Loretta Mickley. 2014. Future fire emissions associated with projected land use change in Sumatra. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb12691. Modeling and Simulating Land-Use Change on Sumatra, Indonesia (PDF).
Appendix Database A for Marlier, Miriam E., Ruth DeFries, Derric Pennington, Erik Nelson, Elsa Ordway, Jeremy Lewis, Shannon Koplitz, and Loretta Mickley. 2014. Future fire emissions associated with projected land use change in Sumatra. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb12691. Modeling and Simulating Land-Use Change on Sumatra, Indonesia (.xlsx).
Appendix to Runge, C.F., Nelson, E.J., Runge, C.P. and Levine, J., 2012. Obesity overtaken by leanness as a repeated game: social networks and indirect reciprocity. Environmental economics, (3, Iss. 1), pp.8-22. PDF.