Eileen Sylvan Johnson
Program Manager, Environmental Studies Program
B.S. Cornell University,
M.R.P. University of Massachusetts, 1990
PhD student, University of Maine
My interest is in the area of Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S), and how GIS can contribute to our understanding of coupled environment and human systems. As an instructor at Southern Maine Technical College, I developed and taught the College’s first GIS course and assisted with the development of a statewide GIS layer that identified all locations of volunteer water quality points along the Coast of Maine. Since coming to Bowdoin in 2001, I have assisted Environmental Studies faculty and students with applying GIS to research projects and within ES courses and as part of summer fellowships. I currently teach a one semester course “Introduction to GIS”. As part of the Androscoggin and Kennebec Rivers research project, I work with students and faculty to compile available GIS resources for the region and to apply these resources to ongoing research.