In 1981, Dr. Rothbart introduced the Infant Behavior Questionnaire, a parent- report instrument based in her definition of temperament as “constitutionally based individual differences in reactivity and regulation.” Over the past quarter-century, this instrument has become one of the most widely employed measures of infant temperament. During the past 45 years, she has collaborated with several graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to develop and refine a battery of questionnaires to assess finely-differentiated aspects of temperament across the life span.
In 2000, a website was established at the University of Oregon to facilitate the dissemination of these instruments. In 2006, the site was moved to its current location at Bowdoin College. Although Sam Putnam and his Bowdoin students manage the day-to-day operations, this site is a collaborative effort coordinating the expertise of the individuals who developed the measures with Mary, including Lesa Ellis and Jennifer Simonds (Westminster College), Masha Gartstein (Washington State University), and David Evans (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute).
Site: research.bowdoin.edu/rothbart-temperament-questionnaires