See the full finding aid of journals and records available here.
Crocker Land Expedition Journal
Journal entries July 2 1913 – February 12, 1914.
MacMillan Crocker Land Expedition Journal I
Clean copy journal, February 12, 1914 – March 26, 1915 Also includes a list of game hunted in 1914, goods provided to Peter Freuchen by the expedition, and from Freuchen to the expedition, weights of expedition members at different times, and clean copy calculations of locations on the Polar Sea during the search for Crocker Land.
MacMillan Crocker Land Expedition Journal II
Clean copy journal, March 28 1915 – April 21, 1916.
MacMillan Crocker Land Expedition Journal III
Clean copy journal, April 21, 1916 – April 2, 1917. Also includes various lists of provisions and inventories of crates, as well as “Peter Freuchen’s Bill” for items provided between October 1915 and January 1916.
MacMillan Crocker Land Expedition Journal IV
Clean copy journal, April 2 – August 24, 1917. Includes a list of names of 124 Inughuit individuals and a partial copy of the diary of a member of the Bowdoin College Expedition to Labrador in 1891 (June 28-July 1. 1891).
Field notebook Crocker Land Expedition No.
Intermittent journal entries during Dec 24, 1914– Oct 1, 1915. Also various lists, including: of visitors, of items given (or owed?) to individuals, of anthropological questions to ask. Also includes calculations of gear needed for a trip, men hired, gear required, and of items received from Peter Freuchen.
MacMillan Field notebook Crocker Land Expedition No. 44
Notes for Cape Sabine trip at beginning (quotes from Greely), then journal entries, June 4-10 1916, while on a hunting trip to Sunrise Point and a bit further north.
MacMillan Crocker Land Expedition Field notebook No. 14
July 12-14, 1916.
A few days’ travelling around Cape Alexander.
MacMillan Field Notebook Crocker Land Expedition No. 29
Boat trip to North Star Bay Aug 9, then Sept. 9 – October 12, then To Nerky, March 2 – 6 1916.
MacMillan Field Notebook Crocker Land Expedition No. 33
Sept. 15 – 23, 1914, weather reports. Journal Entries July 20 – Aug 30, 1916, as well as measurements for a kayak for MacMillan and other notes.
Lists And Notes
MacMillan Field Notebook Crocker Land Expedition
List of photographs taken on sledge trip, spring 1917, journal entries during July 11- 14, 1917.
MacMillan Field Notebook Crocker Land Expedition No. 11
Equipment lists, some notes and calculations.
MacMillan Notebook
List of equipment orders, costs, spring 1913.
MacMillan Field Notebook Crocker Land Expedition No. 30
Ornithological observations, including list of birds observed north of 76 degrees, many with their Inuktun names.
MacMillan Notebook
Lists of equipment and supplies, list of friends to write to. Cover has symbols used to identify contents of crates (but not the key to them).
MacMillan Notebook
Expenses paid at Battle Harbour, word list, English and Inuktun, calculations.
MacMillan Crocker Land Expedition Field notebook
A small notepad with astronomical observations.