“Managing our Seas and Oceans: The Challenge of International Cooperation”
Keynote address by Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir, Associate Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Politics at Bates College, at the Maine Chapter-United Nations Association Annual Meeting & Luncheon
Saturday, March 3, 2018 11AM-2PM
Keynote Address, 1:00 PM
Lunt Auditorium, 74 Lunt Rd, Falmouth, ME
call 207-370-4690 before Feb 25 to reserve seating
Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir, Associate Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Politics at Bates College, is a recognized expert on ocean governance. Her work has focused on how states allocate shared fish stocks in the North Atlantic, how states settle joint maritime boundaries, the politics of the Law of the Sea, and the emergence of marine spatial planning as a way to manage increasingly competitive uses of oceans. She is the author of “Who Gets What? Domestic Influences on International Negotiations Allocating Shared Resources,” published by SUNY Press in 2008, long with articles published in many leading scholarly journals, Áslaug ha sgiven lectures and participated in workshops on ocean governance in the United States, Iceland, Norway, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, Latvia and Portugal to name a few. She recently co-organized a workshop at the United Nations In New York on the governance of resources in ocean areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Admission at the door: $20* (students $10) If interested in taking a Bowdoin van to this event, contact Rosie: [email protected] |