Fellowship Opportunities: NOAA Graduate and Undergraduate (Deadlines approaching)

This is a reminder that application deadlines for the three NOAA graduate student fellowships and the NOAA undergraduate scholarship program listed below are coming right up. Here again are links for additional information and application materials for each of these opportunities, along with the deadlines for each:

Deadline – January 19:
Coastal Management Fellowship: http://www.seagrant.umaine.edu/funding/coastal-management

Deadline – January 26:
NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowships in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics: http://www.seagrant.umaine.edu/funding/nmfs-sg-fellowship

Deadline – January 31:
NOAA Hollings Scholarship for Undergraduates: http://www.seagrant.umaine.edu/funding/hollings-scholarship

Deadline – February 23:
Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship: http://www.seagrant.umaine.edu/funding/knauss

Thanks to those of you who have already helped to spread the word about these opportunities to potential applicants.

As always, if you know students who are interested, or who have applications in preparation, I am more than happy to speak with them directly via phone or email as questions arise.



Beth Bisson, Interim Director
Maine Sea Grant College Program
The University of Maine
5784 York Complex, Orono, Maine 04469
207-581-1435 – phone
207-581-1426 – fax
[email protected] – email

Maine Sea Grant supports the responsible use and conservation of coastal resources in order to sustain thriving coastal communities and ecosystems.