Maine Sea Grant Graduate Fellowships & Undergrad Scholarship

Maine Sea Grant is accepting applications for three NOAA graduate student fellowships in January and February 2017. These are 1) the Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (See updated info below!), 2) the NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship, and 3) the NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowships in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics. The NOAA Hollings Scholarship Program for undergraduate students is also accepting applications through January 31, 2017.


The National Sea Grant Office released an amended FFO for the Knauss Fellowship on January 4th. The changes include moving the application deadline back to February 21 (from Febuary 10), and increasing the total budget for each fellowship. The updated FFO is attached to this message, and available at the link below.

Here are links for application requirements and deadlines for each of these opportunities:

Again, please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to have interested students contact me directly. I would be happy to speak with them individually, and/or come and speak with a group of interested students in your school or department.