“Behold the Earth: A Cinematic Reply to Edward O. Wilson’s Appeal“ (David Conover)
Thursday, Feb 28, 4:25-5:30
Druck 20
Filmmaker and 2014-15 Bowdoin Coastal Studies Scholar David Conover returns to campus with an evening screening/ Q&A and an afternoon seminar. In his talk, he speaks as a secular humanist about the interplay of film, biology, and Christianity.
He asks: how do childhood experiences inform the study of -and the care for- life on earth?
How is a biologist’s way of knowing harmonious with a believer’s way of knowing?
In the course of addressing these questions and showing a few film clips, he will draw upon THE CREATION: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth by biologist and naturalist E.O.Wilson, and LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, by journalist Richard Louv. David worked with both for the film BEHOLD THE EARTH.
David Conover majored in religion and earned a bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin, and a M.Ed from Harvard University