Job: Portland Water District Summer Job (apply by April 7)






Portland Water District Summer Job Opportunity
Watershed Protection Specialist

 The Portland Water District is seeking job candidates for a summer watershed protection specialist. PWD has an environmental source protection group that works on and around Sebago Lake, which is the drinking water supply for the greater Portland area.

The summer watershed protection specialist position includes such duties as: environmental sampling, field inspection work, laboratory analysis, and working with lake scientists and education staff to enhance our public outreach and classroom education programs. A primary responsibility of this position will be to organize and conduct PWD’s seasonal Sebago Lake Beach Monitoring Program.

Candidates for this position must have completed a minimum of two years of college coursework in environmental science or a related field and be comfortable and capable of interacting with the public in a respectful and professional manner. Please see the complete job description at our website.

This is a paid full-time position that will begin in mid-May and continue through mid- September.  It may include some weekend work as needed.

Please visit

to complete an application and to submit a resume and cover letter. Application deadline: April 7, 2019