Networking Opportunity: Join our Environmental Studies LinkedIn Group!

Students, faculty, and alumni,

Please feel free to join the Bowdoin College Environmental Studies LinkedIn group! This is a platform to connect students, staff, faculty, and alumni to discuss what’s going on in the field of environmental studies, share job/internship opportunities, and stay connected with what’s going on at Bowdoin!

You can join by following the link below.

Feel free to invite other Bowdoin ES alum to join!

On Campus Event: Local Politics- Small Government EnviroLunch with Sarah Elkind (Tuesday, 9/19 11:30-1)

EnviroLunch: Local Politics, Small Government a discussion with Sarah Elkind
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Moulton Union, North & South Dining Rooms

Please join us on Tuesday September 19 for the first EnviroLunch of the Fall. We will be joined by Sarah Elkind. Elkind teaches environmental, urban, political, and public history at San Diego State University. Her most recent book focuses on how local politics shaped federal policy in the Los Angeles area from 1920-1950.

On Campus Event: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center – “Adaptation in the sea: insights from marine invaders.” 12/8/2016 4:00pm-5:00pm

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center – “Adaptation in the sea: insights from marine invaders (Carolyn Tepolt, Smithsonian postdoctoral fellow)
Thursday, Dec. 8 4:00
Druckenmiller Hall, Room 020

Marine invasive species are both subjects and agents of environmental change. As subjects, they face novel selective pressures in new environments. As agents, they can profoundly impact the ecology and evolution of invaded communities.

In her talk, Dr. Tepolt will discuss examples of both kinds of adaptation in crab species, integrating approaches from ecology, physiology, and genomics. In the invasive European green crab, temperature appears to have shaped physiology and genomics in under 100 years. In the native white-fingered mud crab, an invasive body-snatching parasite impacts host populations very differently depending on their co-evolutionary history.

Carolyn Tepolt is currently a Smithsonian postdoctoral fellow, and will be starting as an Assistant Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in March.  She has a Bachelor’s degree from the College of William & Mary, a Master’s degree from the University of Otago, and a PhD from Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station.