On Campus Event: April Ryan- Under Fire: Reporting from the Trump White House, Tuesday, March 5 @ 7:30, Kresge Auditorium

An Evening with White House Correspondent April Ryan
Under Fire: Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House
Tuesday, April 5 7:30 PM
Kresge Auditorium, VAC

April Ryan has served as a White House Correspondent for over 20 years. She is on the board of the prestigious White House Correspondents Association and is the only African American reporter covering urban issues from the White House. In 2017, the National Association of Black Journalists named Ryan “Journalist of the Year”.

She is the author of three books including, The Presidency in Black and White and At Mama’s Knee: Mothers and Race in Black and White. Her most recent book Under Fire: Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House (2018), Ryan provides insight into the chaos and controversy of the Trump White House and how journalists have adapted to the current environment. Ryan is a graduate of Morgan State University.

This event is sponsored by the African American Society student organization.

On Campus Event: Stories from Earth, Rachel Beane, Thursday March 7 @ 7:30, Kresge Auditorium

Stories from Earth
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Natural Sciences Inaugural Lecture- Rachel Beane
Thursday, March 7 7:30 pm
Kresge Auditorium

Fiery-volcanic eruptions, earth-shattering quakes, and continents on the move have forged the planet we call home. Take a journey from mid-coast Maine to Russia and New Zealand with geoscientist Rachel Beane. She will share captivating photos from the field, and from the microscope, as we explore the processes that have shaped our planet for millions of years. In so doing, we also will learn how the tiniest of minerals record some of Earth’s biggest stories.

Dr. Rachel Beane is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Natural Sciences in the Department of Earth and Oceanographic Science. With support from the National Science Foundation and Bowdoin College, she has conducted research on volcanic rocks in New Zealand and the western U.S., subduction zone metamorphic rocks in Russia, Kazakhstan and Greece, and igneous and metamorphic rocks in Maine.

Prof. Beane is associate dean for Academic Affairs at Bowdoin College for which her primary foci are faculty development and mentoring, and faculty diversity initiatives. She leads national professional development workshops for science educators through the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and On the Cutting Edge, an NSF funded project focusing on geoscience faculty development. She is recipient of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers Neil Miner teaching award for “exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth Sciences” and the Bowdoin College Sydney B. Karofsky teaching prize for her “ability to impart knowledge, inspire enthusiasm, and stimulate intellectual curiosity.” She is also a fellow of the Geological Society of America.

Free and open to the public.

On Campus Event: “Institutional Resilience in Turbulent Times”, Mon 2/11, 7PM (Kresge Auditorium)

 “Institutional Resilience in Turbulent Times”, Allen Springer
Monday, Feb 11 7:00 PM
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center

Professor Allen Springer will explore how contemporary international institutions are responding to the challenges posed by a wave of populist and nationalist sentiment, which often challenges the relevance of the institutions themselves. How do institutions operating in such diverse arenas as security, humanitarian, and environmental policy absorb and adapt to these pressures and attempt to confront effectively issues ranging from major transboundary movements of people seeking political asylum to global climate change?

Springer is a scholar of international environmental law and policy, focusing on issues of multilateral environmental governance, particularly in a North American context. He is the author of The International Law of Pollution: Protecting the Global Environment in a World of Sovereign States, and Cases of Conflict: Transboundary Disputes and the Development of International Environmental Law. A graduate of Amherst College and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Springer joined the Bowdoin faculty in 1976, serving as Bowdoin’s Dean of Students from 1980-82 and chairing the department of government and legal studies on several occasions. Springer delivered the Karofsky Faculty Encore Lecture in 2002, and in 2006 received the Bowdoin Alumni Council Award for Faculty and Staff.

William Nelson Cromwell, a successful and nationally respected New York lawyer, established the professorship which bears his name as a gesture of admiration for the College which produced many of the men who worked for and with his law firm. Born in 1854, Cromwell rose quickly to prominence in the world of legal affairs in New York. The William Nelson Cromwell Chair was provided for in his estate upon his death in 1948. It is Bowdoin’s only chair designed essentially for prelaw study.

Free and open to the public.

On Campus Event: “Aquifer Ethnography and the Horizons of Depletion”, Wed. Feb 13, 4:30 PM (Kresge Auditorium)

“Aquifer Ethnography and the Horizons of Depletion”
Wednesday, Feb 13 4:30 PM
Kresge AUditorium, Visual Arts Center

How might “thinking like an aquifer” help challenge the conjoined crises of ecologies, democracies and hermeneutics that define the contemporary? To explore this question, this lecture offers an experimental ethnographic account of aquifer depletion on the U.S. Great Plains. Combining visual and textual imagery, it charts how depletion accretes over generations to become a porous threshold of belonging indistinguishable from partisan and epistemic divides. In doing so, it offers a wider reflection on the ways auto-ethnography of settler legacies may illuminate anti-essentialist approaches to the social worlds emerging along frontiers of destruction and change.

Lucas Bessire is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Oklahoma whose work addresses extraction, power, and genre. He is the author of Behold the Black Caiman: A Chronicle of Ayoreo Life (University of Chicago Press, 2014) and creator of the Ayoreo Video Project (2017). He is currently a Fellow at the Radcliffe Insitute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.  During his time at Radcliffe, Bessire is completing an auto-ethnographic account of aquifer depletion on the High Plains. The book project charts how people inhabit the imminent ends of groundwater in order to reflect more broadly on the defining conundrums of our political present and the potential of ethnography to cross divides.

Bessire is the recipient of various awards and fellowships, including from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Institute for Advanced Study, the National Science Foundation, the Reed Foundation, the Society for Cultural Anthropology, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. He earned a certificate in documentary filmmaking and a PhD in anthropology from New York University.

Sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, and the Earth and Oceanographic Science, Environmental Studies, and Latin American Studies Programs.

On Campus Event: “The Radical King: His Final Years” Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture with Taylor Branch, Wed. Feb 13, 7PM, Kresge

“The Radical King: His Final Years.” Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture with Taylor Branch
Wednesday, Feb 13 7:00 PM
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center

Taylor Branch is an American author and public speaker best known for his landmark narrative history of the civil rights era, America in the King Years. The trilogy’s first book, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63, won the Pulitzer Prize and numerous other awards. Two successive volumes also gained critical and popular success: Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-65, and At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-1968. Branch’s work on Dr. King and the American Civil Rights Movement required over 24 years of intensive research. He earned his M.P.A. from Princeton University and is a recipient of the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship.

  • There will be a reception, book signing, and Q&A immediately following the lecture.
  • A post-lecture reflection will commence at 9:15 pm at Ladd House.