Off Campus Opportunity: 2018 Maine Student Water Challenge, Register by Nov. 2 ($350 stipend to participate)

Good Afternoon! 

There is still time for students to register for the Maine Student Water Challenge. Each student will receive a $350 stipend upon completing the Water Challenge as well as $50 for travel to the Water Palooza! Please spread the word! This is a great resume builder and opportunity for Maine students! 

The deadline for registration has been extended to November 2nd! 

2018 Maine Student Water Challenge

In partnership with Maine EPSCoR, Maine Campus Compact is pleased to announce that we are accepting graduate and undergraduate student applications for the 2nd Annual Maine Student Water Challenge. This Challenge will award $350 stipends each to 40 higher education students in Maine, organized in 2-4 person campus teams (or you can sign up as an individual participant), to participate in a challenge aimed at solving a water-related problem.  The registration deadline to register has been extended to November 2, 2018.

Each student team will develop an innovative Water Action Plan that addresses a water challenge in one of these topic areas:

  1. Develop a curriculum that can be taught to K-12 students addressing local water issues such as water quality or storm water runoff. Maine Campus Compact will collect these curricula with the goal of implementing the most robust ones in the future;
  2. Develop a plan to help educate and empower people in low-income communities about a local water quality issue. Identify a community partner who could work with you to implement this plan; or
  3. Send a description for pre-approval of your team’s own plan, curriculum, or project that addresses one of these following water-related topic areas:
  4. Water quality
  5. Ocean Acidification
  6. Aquaculture
  7. Aquaponics
  8. Ocean-Related Research
  9. Storm Water Runoff


Teams will be required to participate in a kick-off training webinar, submit their water action plans by November 26, 2018, and encouraged to attend the final Student Water Challenge Palooza on December 1st, 2018. Travel reimbursements of $50 to cover travels costs to the December 1st event are also available. 

Apply in three easy steps!

  1. Read the Project Guidelines (Attached)
  2. Register Here–one representative from the team registers the whole team
  3. All team members must sign this Commitment Agreement

Please forward this onto to any students who you think might be interested or to faculty who could help disseminate to their students. 

Please contact [email protected] or (207)-753-6573 with any questions.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Kayla LaVoice


STEM Collaboration VISTA

Maine Campus Compact
