9:31 PM: It’s hour four and a half and we’ve split in two — four dudes have gone off to the lab to work on some things while the rest of us are in Daggett readying the Color Tables for Vision recognition. Spirits are high because hell, it’s just robots. Pictures Soon.
9:35 PM: We just added the Orange, Green, Blue, and Yellow thresholding–things are looking pretty good. Ball recognition not that bad. We ran into a bit of an issue when, after calibrating orange for a good hour, nothing remotely orange appeared on the screen. Turns out that our horizon detector was messing up orange because it smartly needs transitions from green to orange to identify.
9:41 PM: YAYY!!! Our WordPress Spam Filter Akismet has caught its first fish! Its content? ‘Compare Diet Pills’ ! And sometimes we wonder why we actually block spam!?
9:42 PM: I’m a blogging nut! And cooler/taller than Jesse Butterfield!
12:08 AM: Woah, forgot about blogging for a while. Prof. Chown came and just left. We had our first _ever_ 4×4 scrimmage this year. Pictures when we make it back to the lab and get the cord. Didn’t go so badly, and we are fixing a lot of simple bugs now.
12:34 AM: We’re going to cheat a little bit and get some walls for the edges of the field. This will hopefully solve some phantom ball issues.
12:58 AM: Slowing Down as we all take to our various corners and fix our various behaviors.
1:42 AM: We’ve just heard the word: we have to be out by 3:30 AM. Dining Services, even in this area, still rocks the house. Big improvements on Player so far–we’re working on some glitches in SEARCH mode. KILL mode later.
2:52 AM: Final Scrimmage of the Night.