Category Archives: WordPress

Site nearly at 100% [UPDATED]

So my upgrading fiasco spawned more upgrading fiascos which resulted in our whole webserver being out of commission for over a day. My bad. But the blog is back up under its normal theme–however, WordPress 2.1 is now in the wild and we will hopefully be merging to that soon enough once K2, the rawking theme by Michael Heilemann, gets updated to boot.

UPDATE:: OK turns out that the nice dated+named permalink structure doesn’t work, so I’ve reverted to the default structure for now.

UPDATE #2:: K2 0.95 is out.

Setting up Cygwin under Windows

For any of you that have a windows machine and want to use it – here’s what you do.

First of all you download cygwin from here. This is a setup file, it will ‘guide’ you through the setup process, but not too much since it is a linux application and they believe in the intelligence of their users. Basically, if you go clicking next until the thing goes away, you won’t get what you need. You need to check that you have a few programs which don’t come back with the official bundle. I suppose you can download the whole thing, but it’s something in the order of 800 MB, so I don’t know how useful that will be.

Anyways, what you need to get on there:

  • make, gcc-g++, subversion from the “Devel” section
  • rsync from the “Net” section
  • more from the “Text” section
  • These might also be useful.

  • cvs, gdb, libxml2-devel from “Devel”
  • openssh from “Net”
  • libjpeg62, libpng12-devel, zlib from “Libs”
  • You can always rerun the setup and choose additional packages that you need.

    Now we need the OPEN-R libraries from their official website.
    I can’t give a direct link because there is a login part, and you’ll need to register (if you haven’t already). So, get these from in there somewhere:

  • OPEN_R_SDK-XXX-rX.tar.gz
  • mipsel-devtools-XXX-bin-rX.tar.gz
  • Extract them in /cygwin/usr/local. Now you should have everything you need to compile open-r related c files. I hope I’m not just clogging up the place and annoying people with this.

    Note: semi-copied from here. I just took out the essential, but you can check out the original. I take no credit for it. It’s how I set up my own cygwin.