Category Archives: Meetings

Pizza and Robots

Tonight, ordering pizza around 10:30 pm. We’re pushing to get some stuff done before the break.

UPDATE:: Massive Success! We got timestamping for communication, improved our distance measurements by half, and made some killer behaviors: finding, turning, aligning, and tracking the ball, and then we added some approach vectors.  Here’s two videos for your robot pleasure:



Meeting, 4pm, Mr. Tom Morrow

So it’s the two week stretch before break and people are busy. Either you are busy this week, or busy next week, or busy both of them. Either way, work on Robots!!

With progress on the brain this weekend, with some localization and communication progress, we still have heaps to go as me march towards competition. Less than two months. Lots of things to do.

Meeting 4pm in the lab tomorrow. Up it Up.

Meeting 4pm Tuesday

Just a reminder: Meeting 4pm Tuesday afternoon, in the lab. For those foreign to RoboCup so far, please feel free to come! We’ll have demostrations of progress so far in these areas:

-Head, Chest, Trapping Moves.
-Ball recognition via new ‘Subvision’ method
-Examples of some of the Localization math
-The first behavior of this year: Following the head with the ball
-Simple string bouncing between aibos.