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Meet the two most recent additions to the Northern Bites family: two fiesty new aibos from the ERS-7M3 line.
We have named them… ‘aibo13’ and ‘aibo14’.
I will probably setup one of them to walk around the lab this weekend a blog things–that’s right, they can blog too. And speak spanish–it’s better than I can do.
I couldn’t agree more. These dogs have personality that begs for something more than a numerical representation.
We need a ‘line’ or ‘theme’ to bring it all together, a la last year’s HOT DAWGS team, or NOC’s naming all their servers after kitchen appliances or type of bear.
To give all aibos 1-14 the names of dogs might be too uninspired. What are people’s thoughts?
Nice hounds. You guys gotta think up some better names for these guys. Generic names = always terrible.
I think we should name them all “Chuch Norris”
That’s Chuck Norris, Radwan.
Chuck Norris’ tears cure cancer… too bad he never cries