Category Archives: RoboCup

Meeting 4pm Tuesday

Just a reminder: Meeting 4pm Tuesday afternoon, in the lab. For those foreign to RoboCup so far, please feel free to come! We’ll have demostrations of progress so far in these areas:

-Head, Chest, Trapping Moves.
-Ball recognition via new ‘Subvision’ method
-Examples of some of the Localization math
-The first behavior of this year: Following the head with the ball
-Simple string bouncing between aibos.

Lesson of the Week

Because I am all that is Robots, I will be presenting a weekly segment entitled ‘Lesson of the Week’ to my fellow cohorts on the Northern Bites RoboCup team.

This week’s installment? Managing Conflicts in Subversion.

What are conflicts? Conflicts happen when you ‘svn up’ and someone else’s editions to the code have messed with your own.

Subversion handles recognizing conflicts, but leaves you up to dealing with them. Subversion leaves for every conflicting file four different files:

CONFLICTFILE — I.E., this could be or makefile.config or whatever.
–Subversion places a bunch of ‘< <>>’ in the code, separating the conflicts between your edits and the other person’s. You can go through line by line and fix the conflicts this way.

…Plus three more. Continue Reading….

First Scripted Move Queued

I just got our first scripted, queued move going. Once this system get stable and efficiently coded, we’ll be able just to call off a bunch of methods in succession and they’ll faithfully execut one after another. Moreover, should we ever want to call the whole thing off, that’ll be fine as well.