Category Archives: RoboCup

Upcoming events

Aside from the actual competition we will have a number of other events. For some of these I’ll need some student help. Here’s what we have so far:
March 1: 10:30ish. A group from the children’s center is coming by. It would be great to have some students available and some demos ready.
March 31: I will be speaking to an alumni group at 2:15. I will need at least one student assistant.
April 28: I will be speaking to alumni and parents at 1:30. I will need one student (probably Henry)
May 3: I will be speaking at the Faculty Seminar at 12:30. I will need several assistants and anyone that wants is welcome to come.

Current State of Localization and GL

My dream of having an openGL representation of the current worldMap state has been realized (mostly). This is cool because we can actually see what is going on inside the huge matrix of probablities without resorting to really ugly text output. I’ll spend some more time refining the look of the window, but I think its pretty good for having taught myself openGL as I went along. If you’d like to see it; go into the tools branch then to LocalizationGLUT. Run the make file and then ./testerGLUT. Next up for this visualization tool is to incorporate Jesse’s new heading class.
The tool is set up much like the vision in aiboConnect, so hopefully we will be able to incorporate it easily. This would allow us to watch what the dog is thinking re localization as it runs around; pretty sweet.
Once Henry finishes off the application, he will help us adapt the WorldMap and Heading classes so that we can test it on the dog.
Stay tuned Monte Carlo Localization Fans

U.S. Open 2006

Website updated for the 2006 U.S. Open. Now it looks like the dates are April 20-23, with the schedule as follows:

Thursday, April 20, 12:00 Noon Venue opens to teams.
Friday, April 21, 9:00 AM Competition begins!
Saturday, April 22 Round-robin competitions, and quarter-finals, banquet.
Sunday, April 23 Semi-finals and finals.

Late night…

Henry had most of the report done and was working on putting together all the footage we took tonight in iMovie when I left at 1:30am. Reminds me of the nights we used to spend in the lab for 320, minus the pizza and some of the other people.

Henry had a really neat “walk up to the ball and kick it” behavior. It should make the cut for the movie to be submitted tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing it. I’m sure Henry’ll have more to say, as he was doing most of the stuff. I was just taping the different motions.

On another note, don’t park on Park Row. I went outside at 1:12 to move my car and had a ticket written at 1:00am on the dot. The Northern Bites need support from the Brunswick PD, not hate ;)

The Future

Hi all, Chown Dawg here. For those of you worried about whether there will be Robocup in the future – don’t be. Indications are that the 4 legged league will have at least two more years after this one. Assuming things go well this year I’m pretty confident that Bowdoin will roll out another team next year.

News from the other Side

I’ve been working with professor Majercik to implement an Adaptive Resource Allocating Vector Quantizer (ARAVQ). Over the summer we’ve gotten that working, and now this semester I’m experimenting with how it could possibly work with robocup.

The ARAVQ was proposed by a cool guy named Fredrik Linaker in his PhD thesis – basically you take a whole bunch of ‘noisy’ world vectors (such as the vision of a robot, combined with the other data we gather) and you generate a small set of model vectors. Depending on parameters, the size of the set of models can be 0<N<(size of world vector). This has been used to solve a couple of interesting learning problems, like the T junction (where at the beginning of a junction, a robot is shown a light on the left or right, and later on needs to turn based on where it was the light). We’re trying to see if this can be of any use to the robots, in communicating essential communication quickly (since a dictionary of states is built, you can send an int that corresponds to a dictionary entry).

So far, it seems that the ARAVQ defined states can work decently well in baisc practice situations, but I’m still working on a few more complicated test runs.

More to come.

And here’s an essay about the beauty of programming by Linus Torvalds – can be good to send to friends who don’t understand why we like it (from bryn mawr)