Author Archives: Chown Dawg

The Bug Report

Game 1: Localization heading got stuck so that we always thought we were facing the same way.
Status: Fixed

Game 1: Odometry Bearing is not being updated.
Status: Pending
Update: Fixed! This will help a lot.

Game 2: We kicked the ball out of bounds too much.
Status: Pending
Update: Very much improved in Game 3.

Game 1: Our motion system didn’t do enough cool things.
Status: Fixed, now it does lots of good stuff.

Games 1, 2: Our GPM constant (Goals Per Minute) was set to 0
Status: Pending
Update: still set at 0. It is a very pesky bug.
Update 2: In progress. We upped that constant to a whopping 0.05.

Another 0-0 tie

We had chances – a shot off the goalpost, the ball in the opposition goalie box (centered with no goalie around) and two robots in position to kick it in. But the robots fell and crashed!

Northern Bites 0 – WPI 0

It was a hard fought defensive battle featuring lots of penalties and robot problems.

Bowdoin had a shot with 1 minute left that hit the WPI goal post and ended up right next to it. The Bowdoin player proceeded to nicely flick the ball in front of an empty WPI net, but fell down. In the process of getting up his hand knocked the ball back to midfield.

Not our strongest game, but considering we haven’t had healthy robots and literally have not been able to scrimmage it is a fair start.

New Gear

It has been an excellent year for new schwag. Thanks to the fine people at Nike (and especially Joan Benoit Samuelson) who contributed shoes, shirts and jackets this year!